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Summary SCREENRANT VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT When a TV series attempts to tell a story with multiple timelines, moving in and out of various realities, it can get confusing, but fortunately some shows get it right. TV shows usually follow a linear story, unfolding events as they go.
9 Dark 2017- 2020 Dark Netflix's Dark is a sci-fi thriller that follows the populace of a German town on the search for a missing child that quickly spins into a time-traveling journey into the heart of a conspiracy. The show's core follows four different families and follows them through different generations after they discover a wormhole near the local nuclear power plant.
7 The Flash 2014 - 2023 The Flash After witnessing his mother's murder, and his father wrongly convicted, Detective West and his family take in Barry Allen . Becoming a forensic scientist, Allen tries to uncover the truth about his mother's murder, which leads him to Harrison Wells' particle accelerator. When the accelerator causes an explosion, Allen is struck by lightning and enters a coma.
5 True Detective 2014 - Present True Detective In this anthology series, each season follows a different detective or set of detectives as they forced to confront some horrific truths about their town and themselves. No matter the setting and characters, each detective must unravel lies and clues to solve the chilling mysteries around them.