15 massive clues that suggest Kate Fleming is actually ‘H’ in LineOfDuty (sorry not sorry Vicky_McClure!)
to throw in the mother of all twists in a bid to pull the rug out from underneath viewers’ feet. But what evidence is there, really, to paint Kate as the show’s Big Bad?An Easter egg, a red herring, a reminder that she’s working undercover, or a big fat hint that she’s H?Look, we know now that Kate shot Ryan twice in the chest, killing him. But, while she was licensed to carry a firearm by AC-12, and it was clear she shot in self-defence, she still fled the scene with Jo.
Ted, naturally, was keen to bring Ryan in for questioning in a bid to protect Kate. However, she insisted that she’d rather “keep observing him.”“But if he’s who we suspect he is, he could be a really nasty piece of work,” Ted fired back. “I’m only thinking of your safety, Kate.” That’s right; as Ted and Kate talked, the camera angle framed a large graffiti H between them both – prompting many to assume that one of them is, in fact, the mysterious H we’ve long been looking for.This one’s a little silly, but here goes it; apparently, Kate has been flaunting her status as ‘H’ before us all along.“Katherine has H in it. She’s the last one. I’m convinced.
Some viewers have pointed out that this seems… well, it seems more than a little odd. Why, after all, would Summers have jumped to that conclusion without being specifically prompted?Look, we know that H has problems spelling the word ‘definitely’ – and we know that, as a result, people have leapt to the conclusion that H and Ted are one and the same person.