ELECTIONS are again upon us. It means there is a frenzy for getting a government position of power, for which there are already a number of killings of candidates, as well as violations of election rules, from premature campaigning to posting election materials in forbidden places, even vote-buying, to candidates with innate disqualifications, i.e.
relatives already in office of the same level, nonresidents running where they should not, some with criminal records even.Why? Because at this time in this country with high joblessness, or low-paying jobs or predatory business practices that keep out the weak if talented, or poor if innovative, it is the only way to step up to a decent lifestyle. There will be a regular salary that may be much more than can be earned otherwise.
These can be turned into more earnings from sub rosa favors for those who need them, or outright extortion, of which local governments have sadly earned a reputation when it comes to businesses locating in their areas, and all other kinds of creative ways to enhance income. So much so that what is clearly visible is that political figures are well off, have reached top income levels, own a lot of property in their areas of political power.