It's the 'worst' rental crisis ever claims the letting agent who had 500 applications in 24 hours.
A one-bed flat in Glasgow costing nearly £900 a month was inundated with 500 applicants from students in less than 24 hours.
Chief executive John O'Malley, 49, said the situation was a "crisis" and was the worst this year it had ever been - and that staff were regularly taking phone calls from crying students fearing they would be homeless. He said it was "mental" to think of students being able to pay nearly £895pcm and crooks were capitalising by using old photos to advertise non-existent accommodation.
"For a lot of students, especially foreign ones their experience of Glasgow has been negatively impacted."The universities should be doing more for them to get accommodation. A Scottish Government ban on evictions due to the pandemic and cost of living crisis was also cited, although a lack of building and planning laws were thought to be a factor both sides of the border on a shortage of housing.