Queen’s adopted frontman on his late-night online shopping habit, being shameless, and a secret about his hair
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?What was your most embarrassing moment?Creative, part-time loner.I was lucky enough to get one. The talent that I have has done a lot for me, I think that is sort of a superpower.When I was younger, I had terrible acne, so it left my skin with scars. I’ve gone to dermatologists and it’s a lot better, but the surface of my face is not perfect.I eat too fast.“You’re never going to make it.
” It was some guy I was dating. I had the last laugh.If I were crazy uber famous, that would rob me too much of my freedom and my normalcy but, at the same time, a little notoriety feels good.Which words or phrases do you most overuse?I’ve learned to accept everything. Part of enjoying life is releasing those disappointments.I would try to work on being able to trust people more easily.I don’t want to be anybody else – I’m not interested in that.