Argentina's Economy Minister Sergio Massa has around 36% of the vote, ahead of Javier Milei on just over 30%
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BUENOS AIRES, Argentina – Argentina’s ruling Peronist coalition smashed expectations to lead the country’son Sunday, October 22, setting the stage for a polarized run-off vote next month between Economy Minister Sergio Massa and far-right libertarian radical Javier Milei. Argentines had flocked to the polls on Sunday to vote in a tense national election where wild-haired outsider Milei has hogged the limelight amid the country’s worst economic crisis in two decades and rising anger with the traditional elite.
“Peronism is the only space that offers the possibility that the poorest of us can have basic things at our fingertips,” said bricklayer Carlos Gutierrez, 61, as he went to vote on Sunday.