An encounter between Mayor Albee Benitez and Ivana Alawi, captured in a viral video and photos at a Japanese airport, sparks imaginations far and wide
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On Monday, February 12, Benitez publicly apologized to Alawi over speculations that they were having an affair. Benitez clarified that the video footage showing him and Alawi standing close to each other in Tokyo was misinterpreted. also released a statement over the weekend, denying any romantic links with the billionaire politician to protect her mother from online backlash.“Hindi po ako ang nasasabing girlfriend ni Mayor Albee BenitezAlawi said she was seeing “someone who makes me happy,” clarifying that her boyfriend is a respectable businessman and not a politician, hoping to dispel any further rumors.
Benitez dodged questions about the alleged annulment, further fueling speculations about him and his wife in Bacolod and Negros Occidental.