Black History Month: Life drawing, crafts and more at National Museums Liverpool NML_Muse BlackHistoryMonthUK BHM BHM22 DredieMann
From life drawing at Walker Art Gallery designed to celebrate the power and strength of Black women, to crafting for all the family, NML’s annual Black History Month programme is an integral part of the calendar. Black History Month is the annual nationwide celebration of African and Caribbean culture, arts and history, which recognises the achievements and contributions of Black people to British society.
Using the 18th Century room as inspiration, participants in the event will take part in life drawing sessions with models who are more representative of contemporary bodies and society – aimed at reflecting the power and strength of Black women.
NML’s October events programme includes thought-provoking displays, topical talks and discussions, alongside events for all the family. Year-round, visitors to the National Museums Liverpool website can explore stories, interviews, collections and features on Liverpool’s Black community on ourDiscover National Museums Liverpool’s programme for Black History Month below:Join Blackfest at Museum of Liverpool for a fascinating discussion of topics affecting the community today.
This event will explore the All-Party Parliamentary Group inquiry into the “avoidable deaths and failures of care for Sickle Cell Patients in Secondary Care”. The report, made in collaboration with the Sickle Cell Society, found serious care failings and evidence of attitudes underpinned by racism.