Is Doctor Who making the same mistake as Killing Eve?
Thankfully, it doesn't take long for this episode to dive into all things #Thasmin. For reasons too convoluted to summarise here, the Doctor and Yaz soon end up on the ocean floor, shielded by a TARDIS-generated oxygen bubble – and also an aqua shield,"just in case".There, the Doctor says,"Not a bad date, am I?", which leaves Yaz all kinds of flustered. And then, just briefly, yet another tender moment hangs between the pair, one which hints at a possible kiss.
A chaotic sword fight quickly interrupts the conversation, but still, it's good to see the show at least acknowledge how Dan essentially outed Yaz, which is terrible no matter which era you might find yourself in.opens up more about that earlier comment she made at the bottom of the sea:"Dates aren't something I really do, but if I did, believe me, it would be with you. I think you're one of the greatest people I've ever known, including my wife.
"Yaz, I can't fix myself to anything. Anywhere. Or anyone. I've never been able to. It's what my life is. Not that I wouldn't want to. Because I might. But if I do fix myself to somebody, I know sooner or later, it will hurt."