Fujitsu has been managing a highly secretive military computer system facilitating the “strategic command and control of UK armed forces” for decades. The company is still overseeing the contract despite it being reallocated to another firm almost two years ago. Concerns over Fujitsu's conduct have led to costly extensions on the sensitive IT system.
Exclusive Fujitsu has been managing a highly secretive military computer system facilitating the “ strategic command and control of UK armed forces” for decades. The military project “is not public and kept secret” but Fujitsu are still overseeing the contract despite it being reallocated to another firm almost two years ago, according to a UK intelligence source. Concerns over the company’s conduct have forced the Government to issue costly extensions to Fujitsu on the sensitive IT system.
The Government now faces the challenge of replacing Fujitsu across some key areas of defence
Fujitsu UK Armed Forces Military Computer System Strategic Command And Control Secret Contract Government Defence