A beach bag can help carry everything you need and help you stay organized.
Beach trips are rarely as simple as just going to the beach. You usually need to gather a variety of items, such as sunscreen, towels and beach toys. A beach bag can help carry everything you need and help you stay organized. Plus, beach bags are usually made with some manner of sand and water resistance in mind. is one that comfortably holds everything you need — a towel, change of clothes, sunscreen, your phone/wallet/keys, water bottle, etc.
If you’re packing light, grab a small beach bag; these are usually called totes. If you’re packing for two or more people, make sure everyone’s belongings can fit without straining the bag’s seams. However, it’s better to bite the bullet and take another bag than risk a rupture from an overstuffed bag.Most beach bags have more than just a main compartment. However, these bags usually cost more; if you don’t need extra organization, save money by buying a bag with just the main compartment.
That said, organization comes chiefly from pockets, though the size, shape and features of pockets vary dramatically. For example, some pockets are more like sleeves and can only hold your phone. Others take up an entire side of the bag and are zippered and waterproofed for keeping wet clothes or a used towel away from other items.
Keep in mind that exterior pockets are rarely protected from sand and water, and interior pockets limit your main compartment’s space. Avoid buying a bag with more pockets than you need.The best beach bags have some kind of water-resistance. This can come from the natural resistance of its material or an added water-resistant or waterproof layer, such as PVC laminate. Not all beach bags have this feature; if you intend on setting up close to the water, double-check that you have this protection.
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