More than 100 schools across Scotland are operating 100% capacity or above, with Glasgow and Lanarkshire schools being some of the most oversubscribed, figures reveal.
Shock figures have revealed Glasgow and Lanarkshire schools are some of the most overcrowded in Scotland.
St Patrick's Primary School in North Lanarkshire is the sixth-most overcrowded with it being at 128% capacity - having 187 pupils despite being designed for 146. Glasgow's Carntyne Primary School comes in at seventh holding 231 despite having room for 294 - making its capacity 127% READ MORE: Obese Lanarkshire gran who tipped scales at 24 stone sheds seven stone in incredible weight loss
Scotland has 357 secondary schools - 43 are at 100% or above; 40 are at 95%-100%; 37 are at 90%-95%; 74 are at 80%-90%, 65 are at 70%-80%; 45 are at 60%-70%; 25 are at 50%-60%; 27 are at 50% or below. Some 120 secondaries at 90% or above .