61% of drivers have not read new Highway Code guidance, AA survey suggests
More than three-fifths of UK motorists have not read recent updates to the Highway Code, according to the AA.
The motoring group's survey of 13,327 members suggested 8,090 drivers had not read changes made in January.but had not read them yet, while 1,118 drivers were completely unaware of the changes.Vehicles must give at least 1.5m space when overtaking cyclists, and 2m for horses. Drivers and other road users must give way to pedestrians crossing at road junctions, and are not allowed to cut across vulnerable users when exiting a junction.
The Highway Code now advises cyclists to ride in the centre of lanes on quieter roads, in slower-moving traffic and when approaching junctions. A hierarchy of road-users was also introduced, meaning a driver in a car, van or lorry has a greater responsibility to watch out for others.