A window was smashed and £6,000 of damage was done to Richmond Medical Centre
A collapsing cottage which racked up a huge bill for a Lincolnshire council has been sold at auction.
Consultant Ian Walter described it as a “Grade II listed building with far-reaching views, built in the late 18th century and in need of complete restoration.”Brown & Co’s images from inside the wrapping show the poor state | Photo: Brown & CoAs a listed property, the council were required to stop it from falling down.Ward Councillor Jan Hansen said: “I am relieved the cottage has finally been sold after so many years, unfortunately I doubt it will cover what it has cost the taxpayer.
“I am glad it went for more than £10,000, which was the original asking price. At £50,000, it will certainly be a very good investment for someone.”The council says it hopes to recover some of the costs of the scaffolding from the sale.