Two birds one stone strategy to treat both joint pain and cognitiveimpairment in rheumatoidarthritis
Rs was not significantly different. To further determine whether the release of GABA from astrocytes was changed, we calculated the percentage of tonic GABA current over GABA-induced tonic current. We observed that CIA mice showed significantly increased percentages compared to control mice , suggesting that the aberrant tonic current in CIA mice as due to astrocytic GABA release.
We found a significant increase in amplitude without any effect on the frequency of sIPSCs in CIA mice compared to control mice , indicating that the number of synaptic GABARs was increased, but presynaptic GABA release was unaffected. In contrast to tonic GABA, the amplitude of sIPSCs in CIA mice was not restored by KDS2010 , suggesting that the increased number of postsynaptic GABARs was independent of MAO-B.