Ombudsman Samuel Martires' clarification, however, raises concerns, as the AARs are among the tools used by media and civil society to promote transparency in government
MANILA, Philippines – Ombudsman Samuel Martires clarified on Wednesday, September 13, that it was annual audit reports that he opposed making public, not the audit observation memorandum that he earlier mentioned.
“The Ombudsman assures that it is not protecting erring and corrupt government officials and employees, firmly believing that only the Final Audit Report should be published and shared with the public since the AAR could still be subject to appeal before the Commission on Audit En Banc and the Court,” he emphasized.Martires initially said he wanted to remove the budget allocated for the publication of AOMs from the General Appropriations Act on Monday, September 11.
Should the explanations provided by government agencies be deemed reasonable, the COA can recommend corrective actions for these deficiencies.Martires’ clarification, however, raises concerns, as the AARs are among the documentary sources used by the media and civil society to promote transparency in government processes.