A road has been approved to follow a previous military access route into the site, which is located on the former RAF Chelveston Airfield
A total of 20 public objections have been submitted over plans for a new access route into a Northamptonshire energy park which was approved by the council last week. The proposed road into Chelveston Energy Innovation Park is approximately 100 metres away from the nearest residential homes, in Cheslton Rise - a former military-turned-private housing estate.
These points were echoed by Higham Ferrers Town Council and Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Parish Council who also submitted objections. They asked NNC to refuse the application and to continue using the original access route further down Church Lane, where it has less of an impact on residents. The renewable energy park is one of the UK's largest mainland renewable energy production facilities and utilises a combination of wind turbines, solar panels, an anaerobic digestion building, and a battery storage building. The energy generated is primarily exported to the National Grid. However, more energy is produced than can be accommodated.