Who knew there were so many beard styles? Here how to best care for your whiskers.
Who knew there were so many beard variants? A beardstache is made up of a thick moustache with a lighter beard – celebrity inspiration: actor Henry Cavill. The Van Dyke beard is a classic goatee with an unattached moustache and a soul patch, a small thatch of hair that sits just below the lower lip. It’s a good option if you have patchy beard growth; modern-day adopters include Pierce Brosnan and Johnny Depp.
For those embracing the clean-shaven look, shave after showering, when face bristles have been softened by steam and the skin’s follicles are open, giving a closer, smoother finish. If you suffer from sensitivity, try swapping your shaving cream for hair conditioner as it moisturises your skin rather than stripping it. And if you nick your face while shaving, smear some lip balm over the cut; its waxy texture helps create a seal and allows a clot to form. Post-shave, blast the blades of your razor with a hairdryer to remove any leftover hair.