Back by popular demand, some of Sculpture by the Sea’s most loved installations have been restored.
The outdoor sculpture walk runs 2km from Bondi to Tamarama and is said to be world’s largest annual, free-to-the-public, outdoor sculpture exhibition.This year’s event will host 105 installations this year including six artists who originally showed in the inaugural exhibition.
“It wasn’t in a state to be exhibited again after that first Sculpture by the Sea, so it went off the radar for a time until we could restore it and build it even stronger than the first time around,” Dive said. “It was so popular being on that beach for four weeks it got a bit dented and beaten up in that exhibition.”, among his favourite sculptural works of the last quarter of a century.
In the year 2000, Handley intentionally delayed Sculpture by the Sea until after the Olympics to catch the post-Olympics bounce: “That was the year that Sydney really fell for Sculpture by the Sea.”