Tom Harley is used to having a strict routine: up at 4.40am, gym, a bowl of granola, making school lunches, three coffees a day, work and in bed by 9.30pm.
I’m used to having a very rigid routine, which would involve an exercise class at 5am every morning. It was 4.40am get up, bleary-eyed, and up to the gym. It was Orange Theory. I would have a really good workout for an hour and a smaller group would go to the local coffee shop and solve all the problems of the world.
I’m not as fit as what I was when I was 25, but I can still hit a level and know that probably I am going a bit beyond most, because you’ve become so attuned to that. I absolutely get a kick out of it. I typically have three coffees a day, a skim flat white. I might move to a long black or macchiato as I become more refined.It ebbs and flows. A key part of my role is obviously to be front of house [but] I’m reasonably judicious in what I attend, particularly out of hours. So breakfasts and late night dinners, I don’t want to do too many of them.