The health expert said that people should be making sure that they include important fruits and vegetables into their diet to improve their wellbeing.
Professor Tim Spector has discussed the difference between two food types that can have a major impact on dealing with inflammation within the body.
When discussing this on a video on his Instagram page, the expert said: "Less than one in five people in the UK know the difference between a prebiotic and a probiotic. Prebiotics are like fertilisers for your gut. Microbes and probiotics are like seeds. Inflammation tends to be caused by an overactive immune system, so keeping your gut healthy can play a part in reducing this overall. Chronic inflammation can occur which in turn can cause many of the diseases that are associated with getting older - such as type 2 diabetes, joint pain and depression.
Top Health Stories Today He noted that there is four 'K' foods that he prefers which will get the maximum amount of probiotics into your diet. He said: "The key here is to eat probiotic foods often to get the maximum benefit for your gut health. Some of my favourites are the 4 K’s: kimchi, kefir, kraut and kombucha.