A raft of works to ensure wildlife can flourish have successfully taken place – but there’s more which still needs your help Sleaford Lincolnshire
A raft of works to ensure wildlife can flourish along the River Slea and at Lollycocks Field in Sleaford have successfully taken place – but there’s more which still needs your help.
Five new berms have been installed near the Hub as part of the in-channel works by Lions Environmental Contractors, along with some bankside improvements. Lions began their work in August with help from volunteers, including the public and corporate team building and environmental away days. The works have been done with natural materials.
Bankside improvements include removing a material called Nicospan downstream and replacing it with pre-planted coir roll. This will improve the riverbank for species which need to burrow, such as the water vole, and these works which will continue until the end of November. “We have now completed three out of four projects for the in-channel Witham/Slea Blue Green Corridor project, in Sleaford and Grantham. They’ve been extremely successful and have had a tremendous amount of positive feedback from the public and local communities. We are creating habitats that will last for generations.