Restrap, a business that specializes in hand-made outdoor gear releases the Hike-A-Bike Harness, a new way to carry a bike on rough terrain.
, Restrap know this, so they’ve launched a brand new outdoor product they’re sure you’ve never seen before. It’s a new way to carry your steed on super rough terrain… introducing the new Hike-A-Bike harness.
This product is aimed at riders who love heading out on trails that are rugged, with long un-ridable, hike-a-bike sections where the bike may need to be carried up very steep grades or over unrideable terrain.Restrap says that the Hike-A-Bike Harness is a quick and easy fit to most bikes, giving the ability to go from riding your bike to carrying your bike and back again a snap. When the rider has the bike strapped to the harness, it allows your hands to be free for balance or moving obstacles.
When it is tucked away on the top tube, it remains out of the way and will not interfere with your riding. It uses adjustable mounting points allowing the lightweight design to be custom tailored to fit your bike. The harness is made of durable TPU coated Nylon and finished with a vegan-friendly PU Restrap label and comes with two retention straps and a long fast strap to secure the front wheel.Quick and easy harness to fit most bikesAllows you to walk up tough hike-a-bike terrain, hands-free and well balancedBreathable padded section which keeps the bike comfortable on your shouldersExtra long Fast Strap included to hold the front wheel in line, to prevent swing.
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